Interface IdentifiedLayer

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IdentifiedLayer extends LayeredDrawer.Layer
A hud layer that has an identifier attached for use in LayeredDrawerWrapper.

The identifiers in this interface are the vanilla hud layers in the order they are drawn in. The first layer is drawn first, which means it is at the bottom. All vanilla layers except SLEEP are in sub drawers and have a render condition attached (GameOptions.hudHidden). Operations relative to any layer will generally inherit that layer's render condition. There is currently no mechanism to change the render condition of a layer.

For common use cases and more details on how this API deals with render condition, see LayeredDrawerWrapper.

  • Field Details


      static final Identifier MISC_OVERLAYS
      The identifier for the vanilla miscellaneous overlays (such as vignette, spyglass, and powder snow) layer.

      static final Identifier CROSSHAIR
      The identifier for the vanilla crosshair layer.

      static final Identifier HOTBAR_AND_BARS
      The identifier for the vanilla hotbar, spectator hud, experience bar, and status bars layer.

      static final Identifier EXPERIENCE_LEVEL
      The identifier for the vanilla experience level layer.

      static final Identifier STATUS_EFFECTS
      The identifier for the vanilla status effects layer.
    • BOSS_BAR

      static final Identifier BOSS_BAR
      The identifier for the vanilla boss bar layer.
    • SLEEP

      static final Identifier SLEEP
      The identifier for the vanilla sleep overlay layer.

      static final Identifier DEMO_TIMER
      The identifier for the vanilla demo timer layer.
    • DEBUG

      static final Identifier DEBUG
      The identifier for the vanilla debug hud layer.

      static final Identifier SCOREBOARD
      The identifier for the vanilla scoreboard layer.

      static final Identifier OVERLAY_MESSAGE
      The identifier for the vanilla overlay message layer.

      static final Identifier TITLE_AND_SUBTITLE
      The identifier for the vanilla title and subtitle layer.

      Note that this is not the sound subtitles.

    • CHAT

      static final Identifier CHAT
      The identifier for the vanilla chat layer.

      static final Identifier PLAYER_LIST
      The identifier for the vanilla player list layer.

      static final Identifier SUBTITLES
      The identifier for the vanilla sound subtitles layer.
  • Method Details

    • id

      the identifier of the layer
    • of

      Wraps a hud layer in an identified layer.
      id - the identifier to give the layer
      layer - the layer to wrap
      the identified layer