Package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1
package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1
ClassDescriptionArmor renderers render worn armor items with custom code.A registry for custom
s.Deprecated.Replaced with transitive access wideners in Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1).ColorProviderRegistry<T,Provider> The registry for customColorResolver
s.Dimensional renderers render world specific visuals of a world.A helpers for registering entity model layers and providers for the layer's textured model data.Helper class for registering EntityRenderers.Callback for when hud layers are registered.Deprecated.UseHudLayerRegistrationCallback
instead.A hud layer that has an identifier attached for use inLayeredDrawerWrapper
.Called when the world renderer reloads, usually as result of changing resource pack or video configuration, or when the player types F3+A in the debug screen.A layered drawer that has an identifier attached to each layer and methods to add layers in specific positions.Called whenfeature renderers
for aliving entity renderer
are registered.A delegate object used to help register feature renderers for an entity renderer.Events related to living entityFeatureRenderer
s.Allows registering special renderers for certain blocks, such that they are used whenLoadedBlockEntityModels.render(net.minecraft.block.Block, net.minecraft.item.ModelTransformationMode, net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack, net.minecraft.client.render.VertexConsumerProvider, int, int)
is invoked.Allows registering a mapping fromTooltipData
.Except as noted below, the properties exposed here match the parameters passed toWorldRenderer.render(net.minecraft.client.util.ObjectAllocator, net.minecraft.client.render.RenderTickCounter, boolean, net.minecraft.client.render.Camera, net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer, org.joml.Matrix4f, org.joml.Matrix4f)
.Used inWorldRenderEvents.BLOCK_OUTLINE
to convey the parameters normally sent toWorldRenderer.drawBlockOutline
.Mods should use these events to introduce custom rendering duringWorldRenderer.render(net.minecraft.client.util.ObjectAllocator, net.minecraft.client.render.RenderTickCounter, boolean, net.minecraft.client.render.Camera, net.minecraft.client.render.GameRenderer, org.joml.Matrix4f, org.joml.Matrix4f)
without adding complicated and conflict-prone injections there.