Package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.resource

package net.fabricmc.fabric.api.resource
The Resource Loader, version 0.

Quick note about vocabulary in Minecraft:

Resource Pack refers to both client-sided resource pack and data pack.

Modded Resource Pack Handling

There are two types of resource packs that mods can provide.

Bundled Resource Pack

Mods can "bundle" resource packs with the mod by putting files inside the assets or data sub-directories of the resources directory. They are always enabled, initially loaded after the vanilla pack, and cannot be disabled. Individual mods' packs are hidden to users in the Resource Pack option screen or the /datapack command. Instead, a placeholder pack, named "Fabric Mods", will be displayed. This pack, with the ID fabric, provides no resource itself; it is merely a marker used internally.

Built-in Mod Resource Pack

The Resource Loader adds manually registered mod resource packs. Those resource packs are located inside the resources/resourcepacks/ directory. For example, a built-in data pack with the ID example:test should be placed under resources/resourcepacks/test/data/. The packs are then registered with ResourceManagerHelper.registerBuiltinResourcePack(net.minecraft.util.Identifier, net.fabricmc.loader.api.ModContainer, net.fabricmc.fabric.api.resource.ResourcePackActivationType). Users can manually enable or disable the packs, unless it is specified to be always enabled.

Programmer Art and High Contrast Support

Bundled resource packs support Programmer Art and High Contrast vanilla resource packs. Simply place assets under resources/programmer_art/assets/ or resources/high_contrast/assets/, respectively. Internally, these are treated as a separate internal pack, loaded just after the respective vanilla pack. Toggling the vanilla packs automatically toggles the bundled ones as well; you cannot separately enable or disable them.


Mod A (mod_a provides a bundled resource pack with both Programmer Art and High Contrast support. Mod B (mod_b) provides a bundled resource pack and one built-in resource pack, Extra (mod_b:extra). When neither the Programmer Art nor High Contrast is enabled, the user sees "Vanilla", "Fabric Mods", and "Extra" in the Resource Packs screen. Internally, between Fabric Mods and Extra packs, two hidden packs exist: mod_a and mod_b.

Suppose the user then enables both the Programmer Art and High Contrast, and the Resource Packs screen lists "Vanilla", "Fabric", Programmer Art, "Extra", and High Contrast. Internally, there are 4 hidden packs:

  • mod_a and mod_b between "Fabric" and Programmer Art.
  • mod_a_programmer_art, containing Mod A's Programmer Art assets, just after Programmer Art pack.
  • mod_a_high_contrast, containing Mod A's High Contrast assets, just after High Contrast pack.

Note that while the current behavior is to sort bundled resource packs by mod ID in descending order (A to Z), this may change over time.

Resource Reload Listener

The Resource Loader allows mods to register resource reload listeners through ResourceManagerHelper.registerReloadListener(net.fabricmc.fabric.api.resource.IdentifiableResourceReloadListener), which are triggered when resources are reloaded. A resource reload listener can depend on another and vanilla resource reload listener identifiers may be found in ResourceReloadListenerKeys.