
public final class TagUtil extends Object
A Helper class for checking whether a TagKey contains some entry. This can be useful for TagKeys whose type has no easy way of querying if they are in a tag, such as Enchantments.

For dynamic registry entries, use isIn(DynamicRegistryManager, TagKey, Object) with a non-null dynamic registry manager. For non-dynamic registry entries, the simpler isIn(TagKey, Object) can be used.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • isIn

      public static <T> boolean isIn(TagKey<T> tagKey, T entry)
      See isIn(DynamicRegistryManager, TagKey, Object) to check tags that refer to entries in dynamic registries, such as Biomes.
      if the entry is in the provided tag.
    • isIn

      public static <T> boolean isIn(@Nullable @Nullable DynamicRegistryManager registryManager, TagKey<T> tagKey, T entry)
      registryManager - the registry manager instance of the client or server. If the tag refers to entries within a dynamic registry, such as Biomes, this must be passed to correctly evaluate the tag. Otherwise, the registry is found by looking in Registries.REGISTRIES.
      if the entry is in the provided tag.