Class ServerConfigurationConnectionEvents
Offers access to events related to the connection to a client on a logical server while a client is configuring.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic interface
static interface
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final Event
<ServerConfigurationConnectionEvents.Configure> Event fired before any vanilla configuration has taken place.static final Event
<ServerConfigurationConnectionEvents.Configure> Event fired during vanilla configuration.static final Event
<ServerConfigurationConnectionEvents.Disconnect> An event for the disconnection of the server configuration network handler. -
Method Summary
Field Details
Event fired before any vanilla configuration has taken place.This event is executed on netty's event loops.
Task queued during this event will complete before vanilla configuration starts.
Event fired during vanilla configuration.This event is executed on netty's event loops.
An example usage of this:
ServerConfigurationConnectionEvents.CONFIGURE.register((handler, server) -> { if (ServerConfigurationNetworking.canSend(handler, ConfigurationPacket.PACKET_TYPE)) { handler.addTask(new TestConfigurationTask("Example data")); } else { // You can opt to disconnect the client if it cannot handle the configuration task handler.disconnect(Text.literal("Network test configuration not supported by client")); } });
An event for the disconnection of the server configuration network handler.No packets should be sent when this event is invoked.