Interface TestInput

@NonExtendable public interface TestInput
The client gametest input handler used to simulate inputs to the client.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Starts holding down left alt.
    Starts holding down left control, or left super on macOS.
    holdKey(int keyCode)
    Starts holding down a key.
    Starts holding down a key binding.
    holdKey(KeyBinding keyBinding)
    Starts holding down a key binding.
    Starts holding down a key or mouse button.
    holdKeyFor(int keyCode, int ticks)
    Holds a key for the specified number of ticks and then releases it.
    holdKeyFor(Function<GameOptions,KeyBinding> keyBindingGetter, int ticks)
    Holds a key binding for the specified number of ticks and then releases it.
    holdKeyFor(KeyBinding keyBinding, int ticks)
    Holds a key binding for the specified number of ticks and then releases it.
    holdKeyFor(InputUtil.Key key, int ticks)
    Holds a key or mouse button for the specified number of ticks and then releases it.
    holdMouse(int button)
    Starts holding down a mouse button.
    holdMouseFor(int button, int ticks)
    Holds a mouse button for the specified number of ticks and then releases it.
    Starts holding down left shift.
    moveCursor(double deltaX, double deltaY)
    Moves the cursor position.
    pressKey(int keyCode)
    Presses and releases a key, then waits a tick.
    Presses and releases a key binding, then waits a tick.
    pressKey(KeyBinding keyBinding)
    Presses and releases a key binding, then waits a tick.
    Presses and releases a key or mouse button, then waits a tick.
    pressMouse(int button)
    Presses and releases a mouse button, then waits a tick.
    Releases left alt.
    Releases left control, or left super on macOS.
    releaseKey(int keyCode)
    Releases a key.
    Releases a key binding.
    releaseKey(KeyBinding keyBinding)
    Releases a key binding.
    Releases a key or mouse button.
    releaseMouse(int button)
    Releases a mouse button.
    Releases left shift.
    resizeWindow(int width, int height)
    Resizes the window to match the given size.
    scroll(double amount)
    Scrolls the mouse vertically.
    scroll(double xAmount, double yAmount)
    Scrolls the mouse horizontally and vertically.
    setCursorPos(double x, double y)
    Sets the cursor position.
    typeChar(int codePoint)
    Types a code point (character).
    Types a sequence of code points (characters) one after the other.
  • Method Details

    • holdKey

      void holdKey(KeyBinding keyBinding)
      Starts holding down a key binding. The key binding will be held until it is released. The key binding must be bound. Does nothing if the key binding is already being held.

      Most key bindings will only start reacting to this when a tick is waited.

      keyBinding - The key binding to hold
      See Also:
    • holdKey

      void holdKey(Function<GameOptions,KeyBinding> keyBindingGetter)
      Starts holding down a key binding. The key binding will be held until it is released. The key binding must be bound. Does nothing if the key binding is already being held.

      Most key bindings will only start reacting to this when a tick is waited.

      keyBindingGetter - The function to get the key binding from the game options
      See Also:
    • holdKey

      void holdKey(InputUtil.Key key)
      Starts holding down a key or mouse button. The key will be held until it is released. Does nothing if the key or mouse button is already being held.

      Most key bindings will only start reacting to this when a tick is waited.

      key - The key or mouse button to hold
      See Also:
    • holdKey

      void holdKey(int keyCode)
      Starts holding down a key. The key will be held until it is released. Does nothing if the key is already being held.

      Most key bindings will only start reacting to this when a tick is waited.

      keyCode - The key code of the key to hold
      See Also:
    • holdMouse

      void holdMouse(int button)
      Starts holding down a mouse button. The mouse button will be held until it is released. Does nothing if the mouse button is already being held.

      Most key bindings will only start reacting to this when a tick is waited.

      button - The mouse button to hold
      See Also:
    • holdControl

      void holdControl()
      Starts holding down left control, or left super on macOS. Suitable for triggering Screen.hasControlDown(). The key will be held until it is released. Does nothing if the key is already being held.
      See Also:
    • holdShift

      void holdShift()
      Starts holding down left shift. Suitable for triggering Screen.hasShiftDown(). The key will be held until it is released. Does nothing if the key is already being held.
      See Also:
    • holdAlt

      void holdAlt()
      Starts holding down left alt. Suitable for triggering Screen.hasAltDown(). The key will be held until it is released. Does nothing if the key is already being held.
      See Also:
    • releaseKey

      void releaseKey(KeyBinding keyBinding)
      Releases a key binding. The key binding must be bound. Does nothing if the key binding is not being held.

      Most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      keyBinding - The key binding to release
      See Also:
    • releaseKey

      void releaseKey(Function<GameOptions,KeyBinding> keyBindingGetter)
      Releases a key binding. The key binding must be bound. Does nothing if the key binding is not being held.

      Most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      keyBindingGetter - The function to get the key binding from the game options
      See Also:
    • releaseKey

      void releaseKey(InputUtil.Key key)
      Releases a key or mouse button. Does nothing if the key or mouse button is not being held.

      Most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      key - The key or mouse button to release
      See Also:
    • releaseKey

      void releaseKey(int keyCode)
      Releases a key. Does nothing if the key is not being held.

      Most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      keyCode - The GLFW key code of the key to release
      See Also:
    • releaseMouse

      void releaseMouse(int button)
      Releases a mouse button. Does nothing if the mouse button is not being held.

      Most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      button - The GLFW mouse button to release
      See Also:
    • releaseControl

      void releaseControl()
      Releases left control, or left super on macOS. Suitable for un-triggering Screen.hasControlDown(). Does nothing if the key is not being held.
      See Also:
    • releaseShift

      void releaseShift()
      Releases left shift. Suitable for un-triggering Screen.hasShiftDown(). Does nothing if the key is not being held.
      See Also:
    • releaseAlt

      void releaseAlt()
      Releases left alt. Suitable for un-triggering Screen.hasAltDown(). Does nothing if the key is not being held.
      See Also:
    • pressKey

      void pressKey(KeyBinding keyBinding)
      Presses and releases a key binding, then waits a tick. The key binding must be bound.

      A tick is waited because most key bindings need a tick to happen to react to the press. If you don't want the delay, use holdKeyFor with a tick count of 0.

      keyBinding - The key binding to press
      See Also:
    • pressKey

      void pressKey(Function<GameOptions,KeyBinding> keyBindingGetter)
      Presses and releases a key binding, then waits a tick. The key binding must be bound.

      A tick is waited because most key bindings need a tick to happen to react to the press. If you don't want the delay, use holdKeyFor with a tick count of 0.

      keyBindingGetter - The function to get the key binding from the game options
      See Also:
    • pressKey

      void pressKey(InputUtil.Key key)
      Presses and releases a key or mouse button, then waits a tick.

      A tick is waited because most key bindings need a tick to happen to react to the press. If you don't want the delay, use holdKeyFor with a tick count of 0.

      key - The key or mouse button to press.
      See Also:
    • pressKey

      void pressKey(int keyCode)
      Presses and releases a key, then waits a tick.

      A tick is waited because most key bindings need a tick to happen to react to the press. If you don't want the delay, use holdKeyFor with a tick count of 0.

      For sending Unicode text input (e.g. into text boxes), use typeChar(int) or typeChars(String) instead.

      keyCode - The GLFW key code of the key to press
      See Also:
    • pressMouse

      void pressMouse(int button)
      Presses and releases a mouse button, then waits a tick.

      A tick is waited because most key bindings need a tick to happen to react to the press. If you don't want the delay, use holdMouseFor with a tick count of 0.

      button - The GLFW mouse button to press
      See Also:
    • holdKeyFor

      void holdKeyFor(KeyBinding keyBinding, int ticks)
      Holds a key binding for the specified number of ticks and then releases it. Waits until this process is finished. The key binding must be bound.

      Although the key will be released when this method returns, most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      keyBinding - The key binding to hold
      ticks - The number of ticks to hold the key binding for
      See Also:
    • holdKeyFor

      void holdKeyFor(Function<GameOptions,KeyBinding> keyBindingGetter, int ticks)
      Holds a key binding for the specified number of ticks and then releases it. Waits until this process is finished. The key binding must be bound.

      Although the key will be released when this method returns, most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      keyBindingGetter - The key binding to hold
      ticks - The number of ticks to hold the key binding for
      See Also:
    • holdKeyFor

      void holdKeyFor(InputUtil.Key key, int ticks)
      Holds a key or mouse button for the specified number of ticks and then releases it. Waits until this process is finished.

      Although the key or mouse button will be released when this method returns, most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      key - The key or mouse button to hold
      ticks - The number of ticks to hold the key or mouse button for
      See Also:
    • holdKeyFor

      void holdKeyFor(int keyCode, int ticks)
      Holds a key for the specified number of ticks and then releases it. Waits until this process is finished.

      Although the key will be released when this method returns, most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      keyCode - The GLFW key code of the key to hold
      ticks - The number of ticks to hold the key for
      See Also:
    • holdMouseFor

      void holdMouseFor(int button, int ticks)
      Holds a mouse button for the specified number of ticks and then releases it. Waits until this process is finished.

      Although the mouse button will be released when this method returns, most key bindings will only react to this when a tick is waited.

      button - The GLFW mouse button to hold
      ticks - The number of ticks to hold the mouse button for
      See Also:
    • typeChar

      void typeChar(int codePoint)
      Types a code point (character). Useful for typing in text boxes.

      This method is for sending Unicode text input, not for pressing keys on the keyboard for other purposes, such as pressing W for moving the player. For those use cases, use one of the pressKey overloads instead.

      codePoint - The code point to type
      See Also:
    • typeChars

      void typeChars(String chars)
      Types a sequence of code points (characters) one after the other. Useful for typing in text boxes.
      chars - The code points to type
    • scroll

      void scroll(double amount)
      Scrolls the mouse vertically.
      amount - The amount to scroll by
      See Also:
    • scroll

      void scroll(double xAmount, double yAmount)
      Scrolls the mouse horizontally and vertically.
      xAmount - The horizontal amount to scroll by
      yAmount - The vertical amount to scroll by
      See Also:
    • setCursorPos

      void setCursorPos(double x, double y)
      Sets the cursor position.
      x - The x position of the new cursor position
      y - The y position of the new cursor position
      See Also:
    • moveCursor

      void moveCursor(double deltaX, double deltaY)
      Moves the cursor position.
      deltaX - The amount to add to the x position of the cursor
      deltaY - The amount to add to the y position of the cursor
      See Also:
    • resizeWindow

      void resizeWindow(int width, int height)
      Resizes the window to match the given size. Also attempts to resize the physical window, but whether the physical window was successfully resized or not, the window size accessible by the game will always be changed to the value specified, causing widget layouts and screenshots to work as expected.
      width - The new window width
      height - The new window height